DANTE: Chosen Family Wine Dinner
Indulge in an unforgettable evening at our exclusive Chosen Family Wine Dinner hosted by Channing Fyre...
Indulge in an unforgettable evening at our exclusive Chosen Family Wine Dinner hosted by Channing Fyre...
An intimate and exclusive 5-course Drappier Champagne Dinner hosted by Malo LeMestre, Export Director of Drappier...
Thursday, January 25th @ 6 pm. Join us for an enchanting night filled with exceptional wines and gourmet cuisine...
Friday, November 17th, 5-8 pm. Join us for the ultimate Holiday Cellar Stocker & Gift Purchasing Event....
Tuesday, October 10th @ 6 pm. Hosted by passionate ambassador, Lucrezia Bencivenga...
Tuesday, August 22nd | 6 pm. A curated selection of 10 wines and light hors d'oeuvres...
Join Dante's General Manager/Sommelier Phillip Hockey and local Italian wine importer Alfredo Laudato as they embark on an extraordinary 8-day food and wine tour...
Tuesday, June 6th | 6 - 8pm. Hosted by Sommelier Rich Liwosz of Cutting Edge Selections...
Thursday, May 4th at 6 pm. Hosted by owner and wine maker, Enrica Cotarella...
DANTE Restaurants has been awarded Diners' Choice 2023 Awards by OpenTable...